Kompleks pyłku pszczelego, 120 Powlekane kapsułki, 2 Butelki

2452<h2><strong>What is Bee Pollen?</strong></h2> <p>Bee Pollen is a ball of pollen made by young bees when they land on a flower. It&rsquo;s a mixture of Pollen, Saliva, and Nectar or Honey. Bee Pollen contains 250 types of nutrients, including Vitamins and Flavonoids. Bee Pollen Pills and Bee Pollen Power are the most common form of this product. Looking for a trusted source of this beneficial substance?</p> <h2><strong>Piping Rock&rsquo;s Bee Pollen Complex</strong></h2> <p>Piping Rock has created a Supreme Bee Pollen Complex that utilizes innovative practices and advanced manufacturing. Our formula features a strong synergistic blend of Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly and Bee Propolis for maximum support! Coated Caplets make it easy to take on-the-go for any active lifestyle. Also, it&rsquo;s Non-GMO, Gluten Free and contains no Artificial Flavor, Artificial Sweetener or Preservatives. Perfect addition to any supplement regimen for Men &amp; Women!</p> <h2><strong>Piping Rock&rsquo;s Promise</strong></h2> <p>We proudly offer you our ever-growing selection of Vitamin &amp; Supplement products designed to help you achieve your wellness goals at the best value in the industry! The beauty lies in the depth of our assortment. Piping Rock carries hundreds of unique products for Men &amp; Women of all ages. Our advanced selection includes powders, softgels, liquids and organic formulas with premium ingredients, sourced from all over the globe. We&rsquo;re continuously adding Non-GMO, Vegan, Organic and Gluten Free options to meet all your nutritional needs. Our robust product line is evolving everyday as we consistently strive to give you the best.</p> <h2><strong>About Piping Rock&rsquo;s Quality</strong></h2> <p>You&rsquo;ve found your One-Stop-Shop for Vitamins &amp; Supplements at Piping Rock. Our exclusive formulas are crafted in our own &ldquo;GMP Certified&rdquo; manufacturing facilities. We verify Piping Rock products with third-party, FDA-registered agencies to ensure quality &amp; purity. Each product goes through hundreds of checks, in-process and post-production. Furthermore, we can assure you that everything that is on our label is consistent with what goes into our Vitamins &amp; Supplements. We guarantee purity, potency, safety and innovation in everything we do.</p>
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Kompleks pyłku pszczelego, 120 Powlekane kapsułki, 2 Butelki

2452<h2><strong>What is Bee Pollen?</strong></h2> <p>Bee Pollen is a ball of pollen made by young bees when they land on a flower. It&rsquo;s a mixture of Pollen, Saliva, and Nectar or Honey. Bee Pollen contains 250 types of nutrients, including Vitamins and Flavonoids. Bee Pollen Pills and Bee Pollen Power are the most common form of this product. Looking for a trusted source of this beneficial substance?</p> <h2><strong>Piping Rock&rsquo;s Bee Pollen Complex</strong></h2> <p>Piping Rock has created a Supreme Bee Pollen Complex that utilizes innovative practices and advanced manufacturing. Our formula features a strong synergistic blend of Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly and Bee Propolis for maximum support! Coated Caplets make it easy to take on-the-go for any active lifestyle. Also, it&rsquo;s Non-GMO, Gluten Free and contains no Artificial Flavor, Artificial Sweetener or Preservatives. Perfect addition to any supplement regimen for Men &amp; Women!</p> <h2><strong>Piping Rock&rsquo;s Promise</strong></h2> <p>We proudly offer you our ever-growing selection of Vitamin &amp; Supplement products designed to help you achieve your wellness goals at the best value in the industry! The beauty lies in the depth of our assortment. Piping Rock carries hundreds of unique products for Men &amp; Women of all ages. Our advanced selection includes powders, softgels, liquids and organic formulas with premium ingredients, sourced from all over the globe. We&rsquo;re continuously adding Non-GMO, Vegan, Organic and Gluten Free options to meet all your nutritional needs. Our robust product line is evolving everyday as we consistently strive to give you the best.</p> <h2><strong>About Piping Rock&rsquo;s Quality</strong></h2> <p>You&rsquo;ve found your One-Stop-Shop for Vitamins &amp; Supplements at Piping Rock. Our exclusive formulas are crafted in our own &ldquo;GMP Certified&rdquo; manufacturing facilities. We verify Piping Rock products with third-party, FDA-registered agencies to ensure quality &amp; purity. Each product goes through hundreds of checks, in-process and post-production. Furthermore, we can assure you that everything that is on our label is consistent with what goes into our Vitamins &amp; Supplements. We guarantee purity, potency, safety and innovation in everything we do.</p>
4.8 out of 5 stars. 47 Opinie klientów
47 Opinie klientów47
Rozmiar: 2 Butelki | 120 Powlekane kapsułki - Dostępny
Superior Quality Image
Wszystkie ceny są cenami brutto.
Roczna gwarancja 100% satysfakcji bez ryzyka
Produkty z USA

Więcej Informacji

What is Bee Pollen?

Bee Pollen is a ball of pollen made by young bees when they land on a flower. It’s a mixture of Pollen, Saliva, and Nectar or Honey. Bee Pollen contains 250 types of nutrients, including Vitamins and Flavonoids. Bee Pollen Pills and Bee Pollen Power are the most common form of this product. Looking for a trusted source of this beneficial substance?

Piping Rock’s Bee Pollen Complex

Piping Rock has created a Supreme Bee Pollen Complex that utilizes innovative practices and advanced manufacturing. Our formula features a strong synergistic blend of Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly and Bee Propolis for maximum support! Coated Caplets make it easy to take on-the-go for any active lifestyle. Also, it’s Non-GMO, Gluten Free and contains no Artificial Flavor, Artificial Sweetener or Preservatives. Perfect addition to any supplement regimen for Men & Women!

Piping Rock’s Promise

We proudly offer you our ever-growing selection of Vitamin & Supplement products designed to help you achieve your wellness goals at the best value in the industry! The beauty lies in the depth of our assortment. Piping Rock carries hundreds of unique products for Men & Women of all ages. Our advanced selection includes powders, softgels, liquids and organic formulas with premium ingredients, sourced from all over the globe. We’re continuously adding Non-GMO, Vegan, Organic and Gluten Free options to meet all your nutritional needs. Our robust product line is evolving everyday as we consistently strive to give you the best.

About Piping Rock’s Quality

You’ve found your One-Stop-Shop for Vitamins & Supplements at Piping Rock. Our exclusive formulas are crafted in our own “GMP Certified” manufacturing facilities. We verify Piping Rock products with third-party, FDA-registered agencies to ensure quality & purity. Each product goes through hundreds of checks, in-process and post-production. Furthermore, we can assure you that everything that is on our label is consistent with what goes into our Vitamins & Supplements. We guarantee purity, potency, safety and innovation in everything we do.

Informacje o suplementach

  • Wielkość porcji:  2 Powlekane kapsułki
  • Liczba porcji w pojemniku:  60
product Ilość
w porcji
% Zalecana
Pyłek kwiatowy 1,000 mg *
Mleczko pszczele (od 66.7 mg koncentratu 3:1) 200 mg *
Kit pszczeli (od 40 mg koncentratu 5:1) 200 mg *

Inne składniki:

Węglan wapnia, Celuloza (pochodzenia roślinnego), Krzemionka, Stearynian magnezu z warzyw, Kroskarmeloza, Krzemian wapnia, Powłoka z celulozy

Sposób użycia:

Dawkowanie dla dorosłych: 2 kapsułki powlekane od 1 do 2 razy dziennie, najlepiej do posiłku. Jeśli nigdy nie przyjmowano produktów pszczelich, należy zacząć od 1 powlekanej kapsułki dziennie i stopniowo zwiększać dawkowanie, aby ocenić, czy występuje alergia.


Kobiety w ciąży lub karmiące piersią oraz osoby przyjmujące leki albo cierpiące na jakiekolwiek schorzenia przed zażyciem powinny zasięgnąć porady lekarza. Produktu powinny unikać osoby uczulone na produkty pszczelarskie. W razie wystąpienia jakichkolwiek niepożądanych reakcji, należy natychmiast odstawić preparat i skonsultować się z lekarzem. Nie używać, jeśli zabezpieczenie pod zamknięciem jest uszkodzone lub w ogóle go nie ma. Trzymać poza zasięgiem dzieci. Przechowywać w chłodnym i suchym miejscu.

Pasja jakości PipingRock jest poparta wewnętrznymi zaawansowanymi testami analitycznymi

PipingRock gwarantuje najwyższą jakość, ponieważ projektujemy, produkujemy i testujemy nasze suplementy w naszych własnych najnowocześniejszych obiektach.

Obietnica niestosowania GMO

W PipingRock Twoje zdrowie jest naszym głównym priorytetem. Organizmy modyfikowane genetycznie (GMO) są obecne w wielu suplementach diety, mimo, że jeszcze nie udowodniono bezpieczeństwa ich długoterminowej konsumpcji. PipingRock czuje się zobowiązany do ciągłego dodawania szerokiego wachlarza produktów bez GMO, dostarczając klientom najwyższą jakość bez potencjalnej modyfikacji genetycznej.

Satysfakcja Gwarantowana w 100%

Bierzemy odpowiedzialność za jakość naszych produktów. Jeśli z jakiegoś powodu nie jesteś zadowolony z naszego produktu PipingRock, zgodnie z naszymi Zasadami zwrotów, otrzymasz pełny zwrot pieniędzy.

Kompleks pyłku pszczelego, 120 Powlekane kapsułki, 2 Butelki

2452<h2><strong>What is Bee Pollen?</strong></h2> <p>Bee Pollen is a ball of pollen made by young bees when they land on a flower. It&rsquo;s a mixture of Pollen, Saliva, and Nectar or Honey. Bee Pollen contains 250 types of nutrients, including Vitamins and Flavonoids. Bee Pollen Pills and Bee Pollen Power are the most common form of this product. Looking for a trusted source of this beneficial substance?</p> <h2><strong>Piping Rock&rsquo;s Bee Pollen Complex</strong></h2> <p>Piping Rock has created a Supreme Bee Pollen Complex that utilizes innovative practices and advanced manufacturing. Our formula features a strong synergistic blend of Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly and Bee Propolis for maximum support! Coated Caplets make it easy to take on-the-go for any active lifestyle. Also, it&rsquo;s Non-GMO, Gluten Free and contains no Artificial Flavor, Artificial Sweetener or Preservatives. Perfect addition to any supplement regimen for Men &amp; Women!</p> <h2><strong>Piping Rock&rsquo;s Promise</strong></h2> <p>We proudly offer you our ever-growing selection of Vitamin &amp; Supplement products designed to help you achieve your wellness goals at the best value in the industry! The beauty lies in the depth of our assortment. Piping Rock carries hundreds of unique products for Men &amp; Women of all ages. Our advanced selection includes powders, softgels, liquids and organic formulas with premium ingredients, sourced from all over the globe. We&rsquo;re continuously adding Non-GMO, Vegan, Organic and Gluten Free options to meet all your nutritional needs. Our robust product line is evolving everyday as we consistently strive to give you the best.</p> <h2><strong>About Piping Rock&rsquo;s Quality</strong></h2> <p>You&rsquo;ve found your One-Stop-Shop for Vitamins &amp; Supplements at Piping Rock. Our exclusive formulas are crafted in our own &ldquo;GMP Certified&rdquo; manufacturing facilities. We verify Piping Rock products with third-party, FDA-registered agencies to ensure quality &amp; purity. Each product goes through hundreds of checks, in-process and post-production. Furthermore, we can assure you that everything that is on our label is consistent with what goes into our Vitamins &amp; Supplements. We guarantee purity, potency, safety and innovation in everything we do.</p>
Open full size image

Kompleks pyłku pszczelego, 120 Powlekane kapsułki, 2 Butelki

2452<h2><strong>What is Bee Pollen?</strong></h2> <p>Bee Pollen is a ball of pollen made by young bees when they land on a flower. It&rsquo;s a mixture of Pollen, Saliva, and Nectar or Honey. Bee Pollen contains 250 types of nutrients, including Vitamins and Flavonoids. Bee Pollen Pills and Bee Pollen Power are the most common form of this product. Looking for a trusted source of this beneficial substance?</p> <h2><strong>Piping Rock&rsquo;s Bee Pollen Complex</strong></h2> <p>Piping Rock has created a Supreme Bee Pollen Complex that utilizes innovative practices and advanced manufacturing. Our formula features a strong synergistic blend of Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly and Bee Propolis for maximum support! Coated Caplets make it easy to take on-the-go for any active lifestyle. Also, it&rsquo;s Non-GMO, Gluten Free and contains no Artificial Flavor, Artificial Sweetener or Preservatives. Perfect addition to any supplement regimen for Men &amp; Women!</p> <h2><strong>Piping Rock&rsquo;s Promise</strong></h2> <p>We proudly offer you our ever-growing selection of Vitamin &amp; Supplement products designed to help you achieve your wellness goals at the best value in the industry! The beauty lies in the depth of our assortment. Piping Rock carries hundreds of unique products for Men &amp; Women of all ages. Our advanced selection includes powders, softgels, liquids and organic formulas with premium ingredients, sourced from all over the globe. We&rsquo;re continuously adding Non-GMO, Vegan, Organic and Gluten Free options to meet all your nutritional needs. Our robust product line is evolving everyday as we consistently strive to give you the best.</p> <h2><strong>About Piping Rock&rsquo;s Quality</strong></h2> <p>You&rsquo;ve found your One-Stop-Shop for Vitamins &amp; Supplements at Piping Rock. Our exclusive formulas are crafted in our own &ldquo;GMP Certified&rdquo; manufacturing facilities. We verify Piping Rock products with third-party, FDA-registered agencies to ensure quality &amp; purity. Each product goes through hundreds of checks, in-process and post-production. Furthermore, we can assure you that everything that is on our label is consistent with what goes into our Vitamins &amp; Supplements. We guarantee purity, potency, safety and innovation in everything we do.</p>
4.8 out of 5 stars. 47 Opinie klientów
47 Opinie klientów47
Rozmiar: 2 Butelki | 120 Powlekane kapsułki - Dostępny

Nasi klienci uwielbiają jakość i wartość PipingRock!

4.8rate(47) Opinie klientów

Oceny i recenzje (47)

4.8 out of 5 stars. 47 Opinie klientów
47 Opinie klientów
5 gwiazdka
4 gwiazdka
3 gwiazdka
2 gwiazdka
1 gwiazdka
1-8 z 47 Opinie klientów
5 out of 5 stars.
Apr 09, 2016
Recenzje 1
Głos 10
Płeć Kobieta
Wiek 65 lub więcej
Bee Pollen Complex
I have been using it for years----only difference in your product and what I began with, is your product doesn't contain raw honey as the other did. It is the only product that gives me energy, now I only take one a day where before I was taking three, but only need one a day now. Other companies do not sell it with the three ingredients together, you would have to buy each one separate.I have been using it for years----only difference in your product and what I began with, is your product doesn't contain raw honey as the other did. It is the only product that gives me energy, now I only take one a day where before I was taking three, but only need one a day now. Other companies do not sell it with the three ingredients together, you would have to buy each one separate.
5 out of 5 stars.
Oct 17, 2016
Recenzje 1
Głos 6
Płeć Mężczyzna
Wiek Od45 do 54
Seems to be working
I've only been using the Supreme bee pollen complex now for a couple of weeks, but it does seem to be working. I feel more energetic. I do like the fact that it also contains Bee propolis & royal jelly. Like others have said, most companies sell them separately. I don't take synthetic vitamins, so these are a good supplement to my trying to eat more healthy.I've only been using the Supreme bee pollen complex now for a couple of weeks, but it does seem to be working. I feel more energetic. I do like the fact that it also contains Bee propolis & royal jelly. Like others have said, most companies sell them separately. I don't take synthetic vitamins, so these are a good supplement to my trying to eat more healthy.
5 out of 5 stars.
Aug 16, 2015
Recenzje 1
Głos 6
Płeć Mężczyzna
Wiek Od55 do 64
great service
really works great for energy/ hair skin nails. really tell diffrence when not taking .really works great for energy/ hair skin nails. really tell diffrence when not taking .
5 out of 5 stars.
Apr 04, 2019
Recenzje 2
Głos 10
Płeć Kobieta
Wiek Od35 do 44
Great product
This product is the best. It gives me life. I love pipingrock. I finally have energyThis product is the best. It gives me life. I love pipingrock. I finally have energy
4 out of 5 stars.
Jun 25, 2016
Recenzje 3
Głos 2
Płeć Mężczyzna
Very prompt delivery!
Asider from prompt service, Piping Rock has very competitive prices' and a wide variety of products whose quality can be fully trusted.Asider from prompt service, Piping Rock has very competitive prices' and a wide variety of products whose quality can be fully trusted.
5 out of 5 stars.
Jan 27, 2024
Recenzje 4
Wiek 65 lub więcej
feelin good
super pricing for this I mean I can't just go outside and get some these guys do that and ship it to me for peanuts and it gives me a feeling of well being I don't get otherwise.super pricing for this I mean I can't just go outside and get some these guys do that and ship it to me for peanuts and it gives me a feeling of well being I don't get otherwise.
5 out of 5 stars.
Feb 16, 2020
Recenzje 1
Płeć Mężczyzna
Wiek Od45 do 54
Super health
Great quality and priceGreat quality and price
5 out of 5 stars.
Apr 09, 2019
Recenzje 6
Głos 5
Płeć Kobieta
Wiek Od55 do 64
Great products
I really like this productI really like this product
Pokazuje 1 - 8 z  47  wyników.