Olejek eteryczny z jagodlinu wonnego I, II, III o czystości (GC/MS Sprawdzono), 1/2 fl oz (15 mL) Butelka z zakraplaczem
6316<p>A prominent member of the Annonaceae family of flowering trees, ylang ylang (“ee-lang ee-lang”) originates from Indonesia and the Philippines and can be found elsewhere in the South Pacific. The plant's eye-catching star-like blooms are the source of its warm, heady and floral essential oil, which is created during a lengthy steam-distillation process. </p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third">Plant Part Used</h2> <p>Flowers</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third">Extraction Method</h2> <p>Steam distillation</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third">Aroma</h2> <p>Strong. Sweet, floral and tropical.</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third">Ylang Ylang Oil Benefits</h2> <p>Revives and relaxes. Inspires romantic sensuality while soothing occasional tension.</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third">Blends Well With</h2> <p>Bergamot, Chamomile, Coriander, Geranium, Helichrysum, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemon, Lime, May Chang, Neroli, Orange, Rose, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Vetiver</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third">History of Ylang Ylang</h2> <p>One of the most adored flowers in aromatherapy, ylang ylang is used in various internationally renowned perfumes. Traditionally associated with romance and sensuality throughout the globe.</p> <h1 class="body-more-heading-first">Using Ylang Ylang Oil</h1> <p>All essential oil blends are for aromatherapy use only and are not for ingesting!</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third">Indonesian Wedding Night</h2> <p>Relive your love again and again with this pulse-quickening romantic blend...</p> <p>4 drops <a href="/ylang-ylang-oil">Ylang Ylang Oil</a><br /> 2 drops <a href="/Jasmine-Oil">Jasmine Oil</a><br /> 2 drops <a href="/Orange-Oil">Sweet Orange Oil</a></p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third">Passionate Flame Massage Blend</h2> <p>Massage with this oil can ignite the spark of sensuality...</p> <p>1 ounce <a href="/Carrier-Oils">Carrier Oil</a><br /> 4 drops <a href="/Ylang-Ylang-Oil">Ylang Ylang Oil</a><br /> 2 drops <a href="/Sandalwood-Oil">Sandalwood Oil</a><br /> 1 drop <a href="/Patchouli-Oil">Patchouli Oil</a><br /> 1 drop <a href="/Vanilla-Essential-Oil">Vanilla Oil</a></p> <h1 class="body-more-heading-first">Aromatherapy Uses</h1> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third">Bath & Shower</h2> <p>Add 5-10 drops to hot bath water, or sprinkle into shower steam before getting in for an at-home spa experience.</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third">Massage</h2> <p>8-10 drops of essential oil per 1 ounce of carrier oil. Apply a small amount directly to areas of concern, such as muscles, skin, or joints. Work the oil gently into the skin until it is fully absorbed.</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third">Inhalation</h2> <p>Inhale the aromatic vapors directly from the bottle, or place a few drops in a burner or diffuser to fill a room with its scent.</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third">DIY Projects</h2> <p>This oil can be used in your homemade DIY projects, such as in candles, soaps and other body care products!</p>Olejek eteryczny z jagodlinu wonnego I, II, III o czystości (GC/MS Sprawdzono), 1/2 fl oz (15 mL) Butelka z zakraplaczem
6316<p>A prominent member of the Annonaceae family of flowering trees, ylang ylang (“ee-lang ee-lang”) originates from Indonesia and the Philippines and can be found elsewhere in the South Pacific. The plant's eye-catching star-like blooms are the source of its warm, heady and floral essential oil, which is created during a lengthy steam-distillation process. </p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third">Plant Part Used</h2> <p>Flowers</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third">Extraction Method</h2> <p>Steam distillation</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third">Aroma</h2> <p>Strong. Sweet, floral and tropical.</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third">Ylang Ylang Oil Benefits</h2> <p>Revives and relaxes. Inspires romantic sensuality while soothing occasional tension.</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third">Blends Well With</h2> <p>Bergamot, Chamomile, Coriander, Geranium, Helichrysum, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemon, Lime, May Chang, Neroli, Orange, Rose, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Vetiver</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third">History of Ylang Ylang</h2> <p>One of the most adored flowers in aromatherapy, ylang ylang is used in various internationally renowned perfumes. Traditionally associated with romance and sensuality throughout the globe.</p> <h1 class="body-more-heading-first">Using Ylang Ylang Oil</h1> <p>All essential oil blends are for aromatherapy use only and are not for ingesting!</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third">Indonesian Wedding Night</h2> <p>Relive your love again and again with this pulse-quickening romantic blend...</p> <p>4 drops <a href="/ylang-ylang-oil">Ylang Ylang Oil</a><br /> 2 drops <a href="/Jasmine-Oil">Jasmine Oil</a><br /> 2 drops <a href="/Orange-Oil">Sweet Orange Oil</a></p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third">Passionate Flame Massage Blend</h2> <p>Massage with this oil can ignite the spark of sensuality...</p> <p>1 ounce <a href="/Carrier-Oils">Carrier Oil</a><br /> 4 drops <a href="/Ylang-Ylang-Oil">Ylang Ylang Oil</a><br /> 2 drops <a href="/Sandalwood-Oil">Sandalwood Oil</a><br /> 1 drop <a href="/Patchouli-Oil">Patchouli Oil</a><br /> 1 drop <a href="/Vanilla-Essential-Oil">Vanilla Oil</a></p> <h1 class="body-more-heading-first">Aromatherapy Uses</h1> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third">Bath & Shower</h2> <p>Add 5-10 drops to hot bath water, or sprinkle into shower steam before getting in for an at-home spa experience.</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third">Massage</h2> <p>8-10 drops of essential oil per 1 ounce of carrier oil. Apply a small amount directly to areas of concern, such as muscles, skin, or joints. Work the oil gently into the skin until it is fully absorbed.</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third">Inhalation</h2> <p>Inhale the aromatic vapors directly from the bottle, or place a few drops in a burner or diffuser to fill a room with its scent.</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third">DIY Projects</h2> <p>This oil can be used in your homemade DIY projects, such as in candles, soaps and other body care products!</p>Mieszanka rumiankowych olejków eterycznych (GC/MS Sprawdzono), 1/2 fl oz (15 mL) Butelka z zakraplaczem
Current price: 4,30 złOriginal price: 27,28 złMieszanka olejków eterycznych z drzewa sandałowego, 1/2 fl oz (15 mL) Butelka z zakraplaczem
Current price: 6,47 złOriginal price: 33,79 złOlejek zapachowy bawełniane cukierki, 1 fl oz (30 mL) Butelka z zakraplaczem
Current price: 8,64 złOriginal price: 20,34 złOlejek eteryczny z pączków goździków o czystości (GC/MS Sprawdzono), 1/2 fl oz (15 mL) Butelka z zakraplaczem
Current price: 12,97 złOriginal price: 17,31 złButelka do spryskiwania z brązowego szkła 2 fl oz, 2 fl oz (59 mL) Glass Amber, Butelka do spryskiwania
Current price: 11,24 złOriginal price: 11,24 zł
Więcej Informacji
A prominent member of the Annonaceae family of flowering trees, ylang ylang (“ee-lang ee-lang”) originates from Indonesia and the Philippines and can be found elsewhere in the South Pacific. The plant's eye-catching star-like blooms are the source of its warm, heady and floral essential oil, which is created during a lengthy steam-distillation process.
Plant Part Used
Extraction Method
Steam distillation
Strong. Sweet, floral and tropical.
Ylang Ylang Oil Benefits
Revives and relaxes. Inspires romantic sensuality while soothing occasional tension.
Blends Well With
Bergamot, Chamomile, Coriander, Geranium, Helichrysum, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemon, Lime, May Chang, Neroli, Orange, Rose, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Vetiver
History of Ylang Ylang
One of the most adored flowers in aromatherapy, ylang ylang is used in various internationally renowned perfumes. Traditionally associated with romance and sensuality throughout the globe.
Using Ylang Ylang Oil
All essential oil blends are for aromatherapy use only and are not for ingesting!
Indonesian Wedding Night
Relive your love again and again with this pulse-quickening romantic blend...
4 drops Ylang Ylang Oil
2 drops Jasmine Oil
2 drops Sweet Orange Oil
Passionate Flame Massage Blend
Massage with this oil can ignite the spark of sensuality...
1 ounce Carrier Oil
4 drops Ylang Ylang Oil
2 drops Sandalwood Oil
1 drop Patchouli Oil
1 drop Vanilla Oil
Aromatherapy Uses
Bath & Shower
Add 5-10 drops to hot bath water, or sprinkle into shower steam before getting in for an at-home spa experience.
8-10 drops of essential oil per 1 ounce of carrier oil. Apply a small amount directly to areas of concern, such as muscles, skin, or joints. Work the oil gently into the skin until it is fully absorbed.
Inhale the aromatic vapors directly from the bottle, or place a few drops in a burner or diffuser to fill a room with its scent.
DIY Projects
This oil can be used in your homemade DIY projects, such as in candles, soaps and other body care products!
Informacje o suplementach
100% olejek ylang-ylang (Cananga odorata).Propozycja użycia::
Poczuj dobroczynne działanie olejku eterycznego PipingRock® do masażu lub kąpieli. Do masażu należy rozcieńczyć zalecaną dawkę 5 kropli olejku eterycznego w 10 ml naturalnego oleju nośnego PipingRock®.UWAGA:
Tylko do użytku zewnętrznego. Rozcieńczyć w oleju bazowym. Nie stosować bezpośrednio na skórę ani na uszkodzoną lub podrażnioną skórę. Trzymać poza zasięgiem dzieci. Nie stosować olejków w pobliżu oczu. W razie wystąpienia nadwrażliwości skóry, zaprzestać stosowania i skonsultować się z lekarzem. Kobiety w ciąży lub karmiące piersią oraz osoby przyjmujące leki albo cierpiące na jakiekolwiek schorzenia przed zażyciem powinny zasięgnąć porady lekarza. W razie wystąpienia jakichkolwiek efektów ubocznych należy odstawić preparat i skonsultować się z lekarzem. Unikać kontaktu olejków z twardymi powierzchniami.Pasja jakości PipingRock jest poparta wewnętrznymi zaawansowanymi testami analitycznymi
PipingRock gwarantuje najwyższą jakość, ponieważ projektujemy, produkujemy i testujemy nasze suplementy w naszych własnych najnowocześniejszych obiektach.
Obietnica niestosowania GMO
W PipingRock Twoje zdrowie jest naszym głównym priorytetem. Organizmy modyfikowane genetycznie (GMO) są obecne w wielu suplementach diety, mimo, że jeszcze nie udowodniono bezpieczeństwa ich długoterminowej konsumpcji. PipingRock czuje się zobowiązany do ciągłego dodawania szerokiego wachlarza produktów bez GMO, dostarczając klientom najwyższą jakość bez potencjalnej modyfikacji genetycznej.
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Bierzemy odpowiedzialność za jakość naszych produktów. Jeśli z jakiegoś powodu nie jesteś zadowolony z naszego produktu PipingRock, zgodnie z naszymi Zasadami zwrotów, otrzymasz pełny zwrot pieniędzy.